Products EAD & Associates, LLC recommends the following products designed for first responders and individuals with functional and access needs in emergency situations:
Emergency Readiness Wheel Series ©
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EAD & Associates, LLC is proud to present our award-winning tool designed to help people take important steps to being better prepared for emergencies and disasters.
This series includes four Wheels:
- Emergency Readiness Wheel for Families -view-
- Emergency Readiness Wheel for Seniors -view-
- Emergency Readiness Wheel for People with Disabilities -view-
- Emergency Readiness Wheel for Pets -view-
Each wheel differs slightly to provide customized information to the targeted use.
The Wheels include topics such as:
- How to build awareness
- Creating an Emergency Support Network
- What to do when you have to evacuate or shelter
- Tips on how to respond to different hazards – heat, earthquakes, hurricanes, severe storms, fire, flood
- What to include in a ready kit and go bag
- Identifying critical documents
- Learning about options to get emergency information
Learn the Basics of Preparedness using a practical approach that is easy to follow. You can build a great plan over time.
These wheels are useful for:
- An individual or family who wants to be better prepared
- Governmental Agencies as part of their disaster education programs
- Non-governmental agencies that are working to inform their staff, consumers, and communities
- Corporate entities looking to educate their staff, clients, and communities
Use it as a Tool to Manage Critical Information
Each tool has space for the user to write their personal information down including emergency contact information, doctors, critical services, schools, as well as medical information such as allergies, medications, and medical/assistive equipment.
Add your logo or pictures! Customize the Wheels just for your family, community, organization, and/or agency. For a nominal fee, you can add your logo, pictures, or other information to the space at the top of the wheel. Just ask our sales associate about this feature.
The Emergency Readiness Wheels are reasonably priced as we are very interested in getting the preparedness message out into communities.
For pricing information on the wheels please contact us.
Groups and organizations using the wheels include:
- The Bush Clinton Katrina Fund (placing wheels into three impacted Gulf States)
- Alabama Serves, Napa County Special Education School Board
- Illinois Nursing Home Association
- Saipan Office of Homeland Security
- University of Miami; Gilroy Sheriff Department
- Pima County, Arizona
- Delaware, Connecticut and Rhode Island Departments of Health
...just to mention a few.
Preparedness: It's Your Turn © Readiness Wheels Workshop for Community Members
Who the workshop is geared towards:
Community members with disabilities, seniors, and/or their families and caregivers, those that directly work with people with disabilities or seniors.
This workshop is designed to bring the preparedness message to community members and help to get individual planning underway. This is done through a combination of presentation and activities all geared towards development of individualized preparedness plans for members of your community.
Utilizing EAD's unique preparedness tool, the Emergency Readiness Wheel, the workshop facilitator will talk about useful and practical ways to get prepared. The content of the course is geared towards persons with disabilities, seniors, and/or their families and caregivers.
This session has helped to get thousands of people prepared and has been taught in communities throughout the Gulf Coast region and in California.
Better prepared individuals mean better prepared communities!!
What is included in the Package:
- 2 workshops in a day (a morning and an afternoon session)
- Each workshop is up to 3 hours and includes:
- 90 min - 2 hour preparedness presentation
- 1 hour “Start Getting Prepared” Activities
- 1 Readiness Wheel per participant (at a discounted price)
- Class instruction and Emergency Readiness Wheels are available in English and Spanish
- 15% discount on additional Emergency Readiness Wheels for up to a year after the class
Price: $2700
(pricing is based on 30 participants for each session - a total of 60 in the day - and does not include travel related costs for the facilitator)
If you would like more information or have additional questions, please contact us
Preparedness: It's Your Turn © Readiness Wheels Train the Trainer Seminar
Who the seminar is geared towards:
- State, county, local emergency management community
- Disability organizations
- Senior organizations
- Civic Leaders
- Community Based Organizations
- Faith Based Organizations
- The workshop can accommodate one or multiple agencies at the same time.
EAD offers a valuable and unique approach to emergency preparedness that is geared towards people with disabilities and seniors. This seminar prepares leaders and agency trainers to bring the emergency preparedness message to people with disabilities and seniors in their communities. Built upon a community empowerment model, EAD believes that an informed public can make their communities stronger.
Utilizing EAD's Emergency Readiness Wheel, seminar participants will learn how to use the wheel as a tool and walk through critical preparedness steps with community members. These steps include: doing a personal assessment, forming a personal support network, making a ready kit and go bag, creating emergency lists and identifying emergency information resources, as well as planning for evacuation, shelter, and service providers. The course also will address information about adult learners and adult learning best practices as well as tips for creating a fully accessible learning environment.
This course has been successfully taught in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and California and has led to thousands of people with disabilities and seniors getting the preparedness message.
What is included in this package:
- A 4-5 hour train the trainer course taught by a master instructor
- An Emergency Readiness Wheel starter kit - 50 wheels for each participant (wheels provided at a discounted rate)
- A PowerPoint presentation with speaking points in order to conduct the training to community members
- Video of the preparedness presentation
- 15% discount on additional Emergency Readiness Wheels for up to a year after the class
Price: $5,600
(pricing is based on training a total of 25 participants and does not include travel related costs for the instructor)
If you would like more information or have additional questions, please contact us
Communication Picture Boards
The Communication Picture Board was designed to help bridge the communication gap between emergency first responders and people who are deaf. The picture board is proven to also effectively enhance the communications needs between first responders and non-English speaking populations, children, people with developmental disabilities, as well as those impacted by a traumatic event.
These boards are helpful in a variety of settings, in the field, on an ambulance, in a shelter, at an assistance center, etc. Additionally, the boards are printed with the ink directly impregnated into the plastic as a single process – it is not laminated and can not come apart. Therefore, the integrity of the board can be maintained and long-lasting, even through a process such as decontamination.
The Communication Boards contain pictures with a word describing the picture underneath in both English and Spanish. Further on the back of the board, several languages are listed so that non-English speakers can identify their language if other than English.
The Boards can be customized to meet your needs. To learn more or to order these boards, contact our office at or use our contact form.
Westcot Specialized Cots
Westcot Specialized cots that are designed and engineered to meet the large scale special medical needs of the frail, disabled and injured in times of civilian evacuations or military operations. This product was developed by responders working with mass sheltering in Florida during Hurricane Andrew and solves many of the difficulties associated with low to the ground, unbalanced traditional cots. This is both a wheelchair transfer height cot suitable for use in shelter operations and a medical bed suitable for use in alternate care facilities or operations.
U.S. Patents: No. 6, 151, 730.
Features include:
- 32"W x 84"L x 18"H
- 4 Head Adjustments
- 2 Trendelenburg Positions
- Weight: 20lbs
- Stability: Engineered to resist tipping
- Safety: Personal safety system spring loaded deck cradles the patient.
- Holds up to 300lbs
- Care and Comfort: Standard height/multiple adjustments
- Portablility: Folds flat to just 6 inches Includes IV Pole, Safety Strap, and Mattress Caption
For more information, contact
Tips for Emergency Responders for Seniors, People with Service Animals, People with Mobility Impairments, People who are Mentally Ill, People Who are Blind or Visually Impaired, People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, People with Cognitive Disabilities
The University of New Mexico's Center for Development and Disability, developed tip cards for first responders who work with a range of people with special needs. Many first responders have requested quick, easy-to-use procedures for assisting people with disabilities. These tip cards provide information about many types of disabilities you can use during emergencies as well as routine encounters. They are not meant to be comprehensive, but contain specific information that first responders can read quickly either before or while you are actually responding to an incident. Additional copies of these tips cards held together by a binder rind are available for purchase. For information on prices, contact:
Anthony Cahill Center for Development and Disability 2300 Menaul Boulevard NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 272-2990
National Weather Service NOAA Weather Radio
Weather radios equipped with a special alarm tone feature can sound an alert and give you immediate information about a life-threatening situation. During an emergency, National Weather Service forecasters will interrupt routine weather radio programming and send out the special tone that activates weather radios in the listening area. The hearing- and visually impaired can get these warnings by connecting weather radios with alarm tones to other kinds of attention-getting devices like strobe lights, pagers, bed-shakers, personal computers and text printers.
You can buy NOAA Weather Radios at electronic stores or call the National Weather Service office closest to you. To learn more, visit
Nobody Left Behind
As part of a consumer survey of the Nobody Left Behind: Disaster Preparedness for Persons with Mobility Impairments project, survivors were asked about tips for getting out of harm's way during a disaster or an emergency situation. Based on their responses, these two attractive educational 18" x 24" Do's and Don'ts Checklist Posters were designed to encourage individual disaster planning and community level planning for persons with mobility limitations.
To learn more about the University of Kansas program or to order these posters, please visit or click here for a printable order form (Microsoft Word document – 1.3MB).